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“Top 15 Personal Finance Podcasts”
—U.S. News

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Nov 1, 2017


This interview is a from the archives, and my admiration for Tiffany Aliche grows. We have become friends and she recently hosted me in her Live Richer Academy, which is part of her seven-figure business that has grown to include more than 300,000 women. I am constantly inspired by Aliche's passion, business brilliance and true activism to change the world. 


Man, I love Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche. The financial educator was really really ticked off that the financial industry ignored people of color -- especially women. She looked around and saw countless brilliant, successful doctors, lawyers, architects and MBAs -- who were in debt and with little financial literacy or foundation.

In this hilarious and inspiring interview, Aliche tells me how she set out to change that.

Within a single year, Aliche recruited nearly 20,000 women of color into her Live Richer Challenge, a free program and community that helps members take control of their finances. To date, the challenge participants collectively paid off $400,000 in debt and saved $3.5 million.

Best yet? Despite her proven power, financial services companies mostly still ignored her, so Aliche found a way to take financial services completely out of the equation while growing her following. She estimates 500,000 women of color will be part of her financial empowerment revolution within the next couple of years.

Aliche and Yahoo! Finance correspondent Mandi Woodruff (upcoming Like a Mother guest!) also recently launched a podcast, on iTunes Brown Ambition, "a weekly podcast about career, business, building wealth and living in this brown skin."

Have a listen as Aliche and I talk about her philosophy of making change in the world, and the ironing board that has changed tens of thousands of lives.