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Celebrities, bestsellers, turd-stirrers, advocates, everyday people with amazing stories, and call-in guests to discuss what smart moms really care about:

Career, money, business, parenting, feminism, dating, sex, success, love and relationships.

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Nov 13, 2014

In blog post this week on I shared how my boyfriend of three months spent the night for the first time with my kids home. My kids were a little confused -- and I suggest listening with respect to your children's concerns about your dating. But mostly it was normal. Because dating and sex and parenting are normal. Our culture tells mothers that they have no right to be sexual adults with romantic needs. Bullshit, I say.

In this episode I share what happened with my family, and also welcome guest Ray, an old friend who gave me grief on Facebook earlier about how repeats of different men sleeping over is going to be really bad for my kids. Um, hello. My kids have met exactly two men I've dated -- the last one three years ago. Why default to the "single moms who date are filthy whores whose parade of lovers will corrupt her kids" ? We have at it. It's fun, but also to the point: every family is different, dating and being a mom are not incongruous, and the party-line view of moms dating needs to be turned around.