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Celebrities, bestsellers, turd-stirrers, advocates, everyday people with amazing stories, and call-in guests to discuss what smart moms really care about:

Career, money, business, parenting, feminism, dating, sex, success, love and relationships.

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—U.S. News

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Jul 18, 2014


In this episode I elaborate on my mantra that you should not be ashamed to be a mom and date at the same time -- and there is nothing wrong with your kids meeting a date or love interest, even if it's a first date or early in a relationship.

I share a recent experience in which for three consecutive weekends my kids and I happened to hang out with straight men. Two of them are platonic friends, the third a lover. When the latter -- who I had only recently met -- suggested we hang out with the kids I had a mini panic attack. Wow, he seemed serious! But my real fear was that he would be awesome with my kids - and I would have feelings for him and be at risk of getting hurt.

The caller, Kelley, called my story a cliffhanger! Listen in to hear how it played out -- and hear how I help Kelley navigate a gambling addict (aka "day trader") husband who is bankrupting the family. 


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