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Nov 7, 2018

First of all, how random that my colleague Erin Lowry, leading expert on Millennials and their money and author of the book Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, and fellow money blogger, lives across the street from me in Astoria, Queens?! When we're not hanging out, I sometimes bump into her on the street as she's walking her dog, or going to dinner with her nice boyfriend. Also, totally random, this year both of us have books out with the same Penguin Random House imprint, TarcherPerigee. Also, less random (see what I did there??), we both supported Hillary, and are resistance activists, and co-hosted a post-card writing party in the hood.

In this episode, Erin and I talk about what she knows best —

How Millennials can thrive financially.

This includes:

  • Get out of debt
  • Have an awesome career and financial future
  • Navigate tricky social pickles, like talking about money with your boyfriend or girlfriend, splitting the bill (or not!) with your friends
  • Unless you have a free ride or parents with deep pockets, don't finance a fancy college degree if it means years of debt.
  • How to network like a mo-fo
  • The critical reason everyone needs a "fuck off fund" (the reasons are more serious than you think)

Full transcript of the episode here: